This extraordinary lotion was first used in the early victorian times when Mr. Cobbs noticed that men would take gin, whiskey or brandy and use this as an astringent on their freshly shaven faces which sent him on a search for many years to find the correct ingredients to make an aftershave with a magnificent series of smells but containing no alcohol. We are proud to say that the Cobbs story lives on today and this potion of perfume lives on to inspire the memory of a man who spent his lifetime in search of the ideal gentleman's perfume preparation. We hope you receive as much enjoyment from this product as the perfumer that first made it almost 200 years ago.
GB Please note we are unable to send this product across the south African borders due to international transport regulations.
FRA S'il vous plaît noter que nous ne pouvons pas envoyer ce produit à travers les frontières de l'Afrique du Sud en raison de la réglementation des transports internationaux.
DEU Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Produkte nicht aus Südafrika wegen der internationalen Transportvorschriften gesendet werden
ITA Si prega di notare che non possiamo inviare questo prodotto al di fuori dei confini del Sud Africa a causa dei regolamenti internazionali
PRT Por favor note que somos incapazes de enviar este produto para além das fronteiras sul Africano devido a regulamentos de transporte internacional.
ESP tenga en cuenta que no podemos enviar este producto a través de las fronteras de Sudáfrica debido a las regulaciones
internacionales de transporte
SWE Observera att vi som företaget inte kan skicka den här utanför sydafrikanska gränser.